World Agility Open Championships 2015 (WAO)

The World Agility Open Championships 2015 (in short WAO 2015) is one of the most prestigious events for agility. This years edition was in Ermelo, The Netherlands. I had the privilege to be one of the two official photographers for the event. With 387 competing dogs, handlers from more than 25 countries, lots of hard working volunteers, 3 long days of competitions and over 8.500 photos shot by me alone I can say from the bottom of my heart: what a great event!

If you where at this years WAO I don’t have to convince otherwise, there was a great vibe at the event. Lots of excitement, cheers, relaxation,nice competitive courses and of course the most wonderful dogs. I shot lots of agility photos (with and without handler), but also some photos to catch the vibe and photos of the ceremonies. Have fun watching them!

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